Artaud’s Voice in Nancy Spero: Linguistic Violence and Proto-Appropiation


  • Helena Cabello Facultad de Bellas Artes de Cuenca
Keywords: Appropriation, Gender, Violence, Authorship, Visual Arts


Nancy Spero appropriates a masculine voice: Antonin Artaud’s, a misogynist and abject author that provokes an interesting and controversial exercise of appropriation in her work. Her action opens a reflexive fracture that makes it possible to anticipate some of the questions implicit in feminist approaches in search for different voices and subjectivities within a discursive structure that is overcrowded by an other gender. Spero’s appropriationist strategy is charged with violence and it uses language as a wounding tool. Its role as a precedent for postmodern critical appropriation has been nevertheless relegated, as it’s also happened with other feminist artists that used appropriation strategies during the 60s and 70s.


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How to Cite
Cabello, H. (2012). Artaud’s Voice in Nancy Spero: Linguistic Violence and Proto-Appropiation. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 13–27. Retrieved from