Interaction, Interpretation and Implication as Creative Participatory Strategies. Time Divisa by Antonio Vega Macotela


  • Guadalupe Aguilar
Keywords: participatory art, interactivity, interpretation, social implication, Mexican art, prisoner-artists


Participation of the art viewer in the coproduction of meaning has transferred focus of the work as an object to the processes generated through the encounter between the viewer and the piece of art. This essay is centred in the research of what Anglo-Saxon art theory refers to as participatory art (arte participativo in Spanish), a type of artistic production that requires dynamism by the viewer in assuming a more active responsibility in the process of aesthetic reception, converting the piece in a communicative action in which the viewer is converted, at the same time, into a transmitter fostering new interactive processes between the artist, the piece and the viewer. Our approach to participatory art considers the viewer both as the starting and the termination point, analyzing the role as producer and the artistic and social consequences implied in this new role; participatory reception requires physical, mental and/or social involvement of the receiver in order to trigger his or her creative capacities to conform new material or non-material artistic structures.


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How to Cite
Aguilar, G. (2010). Interaction, Interpretation and Implication as Creative Participatory Strategies. Time Divisa by Antonio Vega Macotela. Art and Identity Policies, 3, 9–28. Retrieved from