Desynchronized: Migratory times and Images of displacement


  • Miguel A. Hernández Navarro
Keywords: migration, time, video art, topology, globalization


This essay explores the ways in which migration, conceived not only as a movement in space but essentially as a movement in time, can contribute to demolish the illusory, monolithic conception of temporality in the Global World. Going beyond the theories of hybridization, that tend to find a sort of agreement between different times (a third time), I find synchronization impossible and I claim a model of time capable to deal with conflicts, blind spots and ‘dyschronys’: a sort of ‘fourth time’, an antagonistic temporality that shows us that migration is always ‘out of the clock’. That fourth, conflictive time is enacted and embodied in some recent works of art. Departing from the idea that visual art can made us understand contemporary problems even better than our humanistic practices of writing, I try to examine some video artworks that show us migration as an ‘out of synch’ experience.


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How to Cite
Hernández Navarro, M. A. (2010). Desynchronized: Migratory times and Images of displacement. Art and Identity Policies, 2, 9–24. Retrieved from