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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • Title and abstract are clear and accurately reflect the content of the article, and they are appropriate to guide and attract the reader in internet searches.
  • The required metadata has been added in the corresponding sections (author/s, affiliation, ORCID code, funding of the work when applicable, etc.).
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word for Windows or MacOS.
  • Web pages for references have been added when possible
  • DOI references have been added when they exist.
  • The text follows the bibliographical, style and format requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors has been carefully proofread. The journal will not accept any text with grammatical and spelling errors.
  • If you are submitting to one of the peer reviewed journal sections, you need to make sure that the instructions in the section Ensuring a Blind Peer Review have been followed.
  • In the article, images and their corresponding captions must be inserted in their appropriate place.

Author Guidelines

1.  General Elements

Art and Identity Politics, published by the Service of Publications from the University of Murcia, is a biannual journal, founded in 2009 by the research group with the same name, with the goal of channeling and broadcasting the results of investigations in the field defined under its title. It publishes original work, carried out with methodological rigor and contributing to research in their field, without neglecting multidisciplinarity. Works product of funded research projects will be positively valued.


2.  Types of contributions

  1. Research papers (Articles) (75% of the journal). It is advisable to structure as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusions and References; or Introduction, Development of topic (divided into different subsections), Conclusions and References.

  2. Reviews: recommended maximum extension of 2000 words and 2 images, free format.

  3. Interviews: Extension between 2000-3000 words and free format.

  4. Artistic Interventions: Ask for a template to api@um.es

  5. Contratexts: Dissemination essays that do not adapt to academic structure nor rigor. Free format.

  6. Artistic residences: Brief reflection on the experience of participating in an artistic residency (ask for structure to api@um.es)


*Only Research papers (A) will undergo a peer review process.


3.  Submissions


Submissions must be unpublished and not being in process of reviewing or publication in any other media form. They may be written in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian or English, as long as the abstract and keywords are also in Spanish and English. Works will be submitted in Microsoft Word for Windows or Mac OSX, without providing authorial identification, and sent through the journal application, through the link https://revistas.um.es/reapi/login, in the case the author is already registered, or through https://revistas.um.es/reapi/user/register, if the author doesn’t have an account yet.

Together with the article, authors must submit another file with the author/s’ full name (only one last name or, if preferred, both last names hyphenated), ORCID code (if registered), a brief CV (no more than 200 words) of each author, and mailing address, email, organization and contact phone (of main point of contact, in case of several authors). You must also include the funding for the work, if there is any, indicating the complete reference.  In the case of an article written as co-author, the “Author contribution” must be indicated, following the following format: Idea, L.I.; A.R.; Literature review (state of the art), L.I.; A.R.; Methodology, L.I.; Analysis, L.I.; A.R.; Results, L.I.; Discussion and Conclusions, L.I.; A.R.; Editorial (draft), L.I.; A.R.; Final Revisions, L.I.; A.R.; Project design, L.I.; A.R.

The journal Art and Identity Politics doesn’t charge fees for submissions nor for the publication of articles.

Any communication related to the publication of articles in Art and Identity Politics can be sent to: api@um.es



4.  Reviewers

It is recommended to provide complete information (affiliation, email) of two possible reviewers for the evaluation of the article. The proposal of the names will be justified because of their expertise in the field of work presented in the article. Reviewers must not belong to the author’s institution nor imply a conflict of interest. The journal’s editorial board reserves the right to propose other reviewers for the evaluation of the article, in case it goes to the reviewing phase.



5.  Length and structure of research articles.


Articles will be between 5,000 and 7,000 words (not including abstract, keywords and references) and will have the following structure: Title (in Spanish and English); Abstract in Spanish between 150-200 words, with well-structured content, followed by keywords (no more than 5 words), and abstract and keywords’ translation into English. If the article is written in English, title, abstract and keywords in Spanish will be provided. If it’s written in a language other than English or Spanish, the author must include title, abstract and keywords both in English and Spanish, in addition to the original language. Author/s’ names nor any reference to the author/s will appear within the article.



6.  Format for Research articles


  • The margins of the document will be 2,5 cm. around its perimeter. Single spacing will be used. Titles, heading and subheadings will be bold, never capitalized, and numbered (1, 1.1, 1.1.1.).

  • The beginning of each paragraph must be indented, except for the first paragraph after a main heading or a quote of more than 40 words, which will not be indented.

  • The following fonts will be used: Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, size 11 p.

  • Titles of journals, books, artworks and exhibitions, as well as words in a language other than the one used in the article will be in italics.

  • Footnotes will only be used for clarifications (and they will be preferred to endnotes). It is advisable to limit their number as much as possible and to only use them for clarifications that are essential for the text.



7.  Images


Tables and Figures, with their corresponding titles and captions, will be inserted in the text where necessary. Its number will be appropriate to the needs of each essay, avoiding its unjustified inclusion. Each Figure and Table must include a caption, following the structure: Figure 1. / Table 1. Data. Source. When referring to a figure or table within the text, it is convenient to indicate between parenthesis (see Fig. 1).


The author is responsible for the images included in the article, indicating their author (except for when they are by the article’s author, in which case it should be specified “photography by the author”) or their source. The Journal reserves the right to modify the size of the images when necessary for its correct publication, respecting the author’s original format as much as possible.



8.  Quotes and bibliographical references


Quotes inside the text and bibliographical references (a minimum of ten) will follow APA guidelines (v.6). For ore information go to: Guía Normas Apa 7ª edición. https://normas-apa.org/wp-content/uploads/Guia-Normas-APA-7ma-edicion.pdf. It is advisable to avoid secondary sources.


9.  Process of evaluation

All the works received will be first reviewed by the journal’s editors to see if they follow the requirements in the publication guidelines. Among other criteria, the following will be valued:

  • Compliance with the required formal aspects.

  • The article must be the result of a funded research project (although it is not a mandatory requirement).

  • Originality, timeliness and innovation.

  • Relevance for the fields covered in the journal.

  • Methodological quality, good presentation, and writing.

If the first review is passed, manuscripts will be sent to external reviewers. The results will be communicated to the authors so that they can make the necessary revisions recommended by the reviewers. Reviewers are independent and not associated to the journal, selected by the Editorial Board in order to judge the suitability for publication of the reviewed articles and, when necessary, suggest the appropriate corrections. The method used is peer blind review (both author and reviewers are anonymous). The result of the process of evaluation can be:

  1. Acceptance of the article (Accept the work as is).

  2. Conditional acceptance subject to corrections (Review and accept).

  3. Review and reconsider (the article needs numerous modifications and it is not certain it will be accepted even with the modifications)

  4. Rejection of the article (Turn down, the work is not suitable to be published, or Turn down but recommendation to be sent to a different publication)

When modifications are required, the author must upload, to the journal application, a report justifying the changes made following the reviewers’ recommendations, together with the modified article.


The acceptance or rejection of articles will be communicated to authors within 4-6 months of submission. The time limit for authors to make the changes recommended by reviewers is between 7-30 days from the communication by the editors, depending on the extent of the corrections to be made.



10. Acceptance of works


Authors of accepted works will receive a draft of their article layout in order to fix possible mistakes not affecting the content. They have 7 days from the reception of the layout to make changes.

Content and opinions expressed by the authors are their exclusive responsibility, and do not bind the journal’s opinion and editorial policies. Similarly, authors must respect the ethical principles of research and publication.


If the journal has previously published an article by the same author/s, the new article cannot be sent until at least one year has passed after the publication. The acceptance of a work presupposes that copyrights, in any means and by any medium, are transferred to the journal’s editor.



11.  Ensuring a blind peer review

In order to ensure the integrity of the blind peer review done by the experts for this journal, it is necessary to prevent the authors’ and reviewers’ identities from being known. This pertains to authors, editors and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) who make sure whether the following steps were taken for the text and the file properties:

  1. Document’s authors have eliminated their names from the text, using “Author” and year in the references, footnotes and figures, instead of the author’s name, title of the article, etc.

  2. With Microsoft Office documents, the author’s identity must be also eliminated from the file properties (see below Word File). Starting on File in the main menu of Microsoft application, click on the following: File > Save As > Tools (or Options in Mac) > Security > Eliminate personal information from file properties when saving> Save.

Privacy Statement

Names and emails sent to this journal will be used only for the goals declared by the journal and they will not be available for any other purpose or person.