Towards a Sustainable Architecture


  • Pascual Patuel Chust Universidad de Valencia
Palabras clave: Sustainable architecture, Ecological architecture, Green architecture, Low energy architecture


The growing awareness of the importance of ecology in the last decades has led many architects to rethink their construction proposals to make them more respectful of the environment and sustainability. The present article analyzes the legislation, conferences and international declarations (Earth Summit, Declaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future, Introduction to Sustainable Design) that have advocated the practice of a more ecological architecture. Also examined are the technological guidelines used to create an architecture that is both sustainable and harmonious with the natural surroundings, the construction materials employed in these buildings, their processes of air conditioning and lighting, and the physical and spiritual health of their occupants. Reference is made to the pioneers in the development of this sustainable architecture: Charles Correa, Brenda and Robert Vale, Kenneth Yeang. Finally, we provide some current examples of cities and buildings that have been the object of special ecological attention, realized by architects such as: Richard Rogers, Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Jean Nouvel and Herzog & de Meuron.


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Cómo citar
Patuel Chust, P. (2014). Towards a Sustainable Architecture. Arte y Políticas de Identidad, 10, 227–250. Recuperado a partir de

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