Artistic Strategies of Video Art and Other Moving Images in the Cyberculture of the XXI Century: Youtube as a Space to be Intervened and that Intervenes.


  • Elena López Martín Universidad de Murcia
  • Borja Morgado Aguirre Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Art, moving images, video art, television, Internet, Youtube


This article provides a context to the introduction to the art of the moving images on the Net, focusing its analysis on the interaction of such artistic practice with Youtube, space that is in itself a revolution in the media of disseminating audio-visual material. Its features 2.0 have not only enhanced some experiences undertaken by the offline art of the Neo avant-garde movements, but have also generated new ways of spreading and producing art, establishing significant changes in the so-called “expanded time” of audio-visual productions and providing new artistic reflection fields.


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How to Cite
López Martín E., & Morgado Aguirre, B. (2013). Artistic Strategies of Video Art and Other Moving Images in the Cyberculture of the XXI Century: Youtube as a Space to be Intervened and that Intervenes. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 163–178. Retrieved from