The image of Cuba in the war of 1898.


Keywords: War of 1898, Cuban image, allegory, Spanish press, U.S. press, Cuban war


In 1898, the United States declared war on Spain and "came to the aid" of the Cubans in the liberation struggle they had begun in 1895 against Spain. These events aroused a wide media coverage. Although the differences are evident between the Spanish and American press, both countries pursue the same goal: to offer their vision of the conflict and ratify the hegemonic role they should play in it. Here we are interested in the image of Cuba in the journalistic satires and, in particular, the allegory of Cuba in the Spanish and American press.  The intention is to discover the commonality of the forms, but also the symbolic discrepancies, so that the schemes of representation that transcend the immediacy of the political fact also emerge.  The objective is, therefore, to deconstruct the visual process of symbolic construction of Cuba, and of the war that took place there, in the press in 1898.


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How to Cite
Mazorra Ruiz, D. . (2022). The image of Cuba in the war of 1898. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (28).