Topics of the documentary cinema like source for the history of Latina America in the 20 th century.


  • María Dolores Pérez Murillo Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: Historia Contemporánea, América Latina, cine, fuente histórica.


This article does a route by the History of the Documentary Cinema Latinoamericano in the century XX. We have selected titles and thematic diverse with a common end: approach us to the historical reality social and political of the Subcontinente. This article pretends to be a guia that serve to the historian like source and pedagogical resource.


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How to Cite
Pérez Murillo, M. D. (2010). Topics of the documentary cinema like source for the history of Latina America in the 20 th century. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (4). Retrieved from
Latinamerican Documentation