Goyeneche, an american in the service of the king in Peru (1808-1813).


  • Juan Ignacio Vargas Ezquerra Universidad Abat Oliba-CEU
Keywords: Alto Perú, contrarrevolución, insurgente, realista, Virrey.


The government took advantage of Limean revolutions landraces in Quito, Chile and Upper Peru to restore control over Peruvian Emancipation. This new large counterrevolutionary Peru presented a formidable challenge to the revolutionary regimes of New Granada and Buenos Aires. The latter failed three times in the attempt to establish control over the Alto Peru, which again unite Abascal Lima in 1810. The viceregal counter were always purely defensive against attacks and revolutions protagonized constantly by insurgents. In the steep Alto Peru, where marches and contramarchas, highlighted by his political skill and its military effectiveness, José Manuel de Goyeneche, Arequipa in the service of a king that his condition was critical in Latin American rejection of political action porteñas military troops in this part of South America.


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How to Cite
Vargas Ezquerra, J. I. (2010). Goyeneche, an american in the service of the king in Peru (1808-1813). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (4). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/99911
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