Immigrant associationism and new forms of political action. Facebook and the online political participation of Mexican immigrants in the United States.


Keywords: Immigrant associations, political participation, digital media, Facebook, Mexican immigrants in the United States


Although the deployment of political actions has been one of the various functions of immigrant associations, in recent times, many of these groups have been increasingly using digital tools to make politics in favor of their members and fellow compatriots vis-à-vis the governments. of the countries of arrival and origin. In this article we document the growing presence of Mexican immigrant associations in the United States on Internet platforms, and we explain their importance by facilitating direct, horizontal and immediate contact between associations, their memberships, and other social and political actors, both from Mexico and the United States. For this purpose, we analyze the political actions of various associations of Mexican immigrants based on the Facebook platform, in order to demonstrate the scope of this participation in what we call the "glocaline political arena”. We conclude that the use of digital spaces broadens the dimensions of the public sphere, by opening access to multiple voices from multiple locations. However, their direct political effects may be contingent.


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How to Cite
Hernández Vega, L. ., & Escala Rabadán, L. . (2021). Immigrant associationism and new forms of political action. Facebook and the online political participation of Mexican immigrants in the United States. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (27).