Agents and intelligence in the border of Luisiana at the end of the 18th century:

the pressuere of the United States.


  • Antoni Picazo Muntaner Universitat de les Illes Balears
Keywords: Louisiana, natives, Spain, United States, border, conflict, 18th century


Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, conflicts and clashes between different powers in the border territories of America did not stop growing. And each of the participants in that colonial race sought native allies to use them as military support units. But the different European nations also needed information for their possible actions, and misinformation for their rivals. Among the most obvious examples of this dynamic is the vast territory of Louisiana.


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How to Cite
Picazo Muntaner , A. . (2020). Agents and intelligence in the border of Luisiana at the end of the 18th century:: the pressuere of the United States. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (24).