Approach to the regime legal of the Arctic and its relationship with America.


  • Andrés García Espadas Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Arctic, Northwest Passage, Canada, maritime spaces, Antarctica, innocent pass, interior waters.


An approach to the legal sector applicable to the different Arctic maritime areas is made, as well as the use of seabed and an airspace. We analyze the different positions that the different states hold regarding the consideration of the Northwest Passage. It is made an overview of Inuit of Arctic sovereignty declaration. Also a brief comparison between the situation in Antarctica and the situation in the Arctic. We conclude on the unforgivable need to adopt with the mayor of urgency a treaty that clearly defines the legal regime of the Arctic and its passages, balancing state interests with the general interests of the rest of humanity and protecting the environment.


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How to Cite
García Espadas, A. (2017). Approach to the regime legal of the Arctic and its relationship with America. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (18). Retrieved from