Approach to traditional Inuit ontology and cosmology: from “inue” to “angakoq”.
In the first expeditions in the Arctic it was possible to known various questions related to the traditional cosmology of the Inuit people, thanks to the collection of ethnographical data. The comparison with more current information, as well as the analysis with different theoretical perspective, can make easier the understanding of its conception of the world and the beings that live in. This paper tries to review how the the traditional Inuit, Arctic populations prior to the European contact, know about their environment and how they relate with it. This way, is possible to get a better knowing about the social and cultural significance of different mythical and spiritual beings. The study of the tales, the activities of the shaman or “angakoq”, and the role of the “inuksuit”, are especially notorious and interesting because of they are the main cultural testimonies of what we could understand as ‘supernatural’.Downloads
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