[Retracted article] Conceptual reflections on historical society of Latin American studies.

Between historical demography and population history. Social history: the importance of family.


  • Sandra Olivero Guidobono Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Historical demography, population, historiography, methodology, microhistory, regional history


It is essential to define the fields of history, in order to provide the researcher, on the one hand, the delimitation of its investigations, and the reader, on the other, the methodological and theoretical work analyzed. It is necessary to differentiate the action areas of historical demography and population history as related and complementary disciplines. At the same time seeks to claim the regional research, differentiating them from the work of microhistory, whose value is incalculable. Contributions from local scale enable comparative studies of various areas and the establishment of consistent and differences, extremely useful in the field of scientific research.


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How to Cite
Olivero Guidobono, S. (2017). [Retracted article] Conceptual reflections on historical society of Latin American studies.: Between historical demography and population history. Social history: the importance of family. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (15). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/282351