Solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution.

A comparison of transnational networks: the cases of the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain.


  • José Manuel Ágreda Portero Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Christian Helm Universidad de Hannover
Keywords: Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), social movement, solidarity, Nicaragua, Spain, Federal Republic of Germany.


The article offers a comparison of solidarity movements with the Sandinista Revolution in Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany. A central argument is the influence of national contexts and factors on the development of solidarity and its shape in both countries. In terms of actors, the motivation of national activists, the organization of foreign solidarity in Nicaragua itself and the case of solidarity brigades, both movements share many similarities. Main differences exist in the organization on a national level and in their relationship with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and their organizations. While solidarity activists in Spain were more open to Sandinista efforts to organize solidarity hierarchically, West German solidarity severely opposed them and took a more critical step towards the Sandinista Revolution.


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How to Cite
Ágreda Portero, J. M., & Helm, C. (2016). Solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution.: A comparison of transnational networks: the cases of the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (17). Retrieved from