Discursive changes in the Salvadoran Revolutionary Left.

From ideological struggle to searching international solidarity.


  • Eudald Cortina Orero Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: FMLN, El Salvador, solidarity, communication, revolution.


During the late sixties a New Left was conformed in El Salvador. It developed sparsely in the next decade. The revolutionary organizations held in this period a fierce ideological debate that was part of a struggle for hegemony within the revolutionary movement. In the early eighties, once unified in the FMLN, insurgent organizations increased their international activities with the aim of forming a broad movement of solidarity with the struggle of the Salvadoran people. They had to accommodate their speech to influence new actors, seeking to settle their proposals and demands on beliefs and social representations shared by these groups. The aim of this paper is to analyze the discursive strategy used by insurgents in the international arena. Through the analysis of the publications of the FMLN we will see the lines on which the insurgent discourse for international audiences is built. We will focus on the revaluation of concepts as "democracy" and "peace" in the rebel discourse and the gradual disappearance of Marxist political labels to characterize the Salvadoran regime, which would now be defined by its repressive profile, dependance of the United States and the absence of political representation; its undemocratic character.


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How to Cite
Cortina Orero, E. (2016). Discursive changes in the Salvadoran Revolutionary Left.: From ideological struggle to searching international solidarity. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (17). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/271911