The beginnings of liberation theology in Latin American context.


  • Ignacio Dueñas García Polavieja Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador
Keywords: Liberation theology, Vatican II, Leonardo Boff, CIA, poverty, repression.


The liberation theology, considered as a reinterpretation of the Christian message, the identity of the Church and its evangelizing praxis emerges in South America of poverty and repression in the sixties of the last century. During its first fifteen years of existence, where it became an obvious sign of contradiction, he suffered intense harassment from the great centers of American power (which cost several thousand dead), while suffered from a intraeclesiam virulent persecution under suspicion, totally unfounded, of being invaded by heresy and communist infiltration. However , this has not prevented the liberation theology has ceased to be a catalyst for social and ecclesial renewal, not only in Latin America but worldwide.


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How to Cite
Dueñas García Polavieja, I. (2015). The beginnings of liberation theology in Latin American context. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (15). Retrieved from