Links between the State and its citizens abroad:

the case of Colombian migrants in Europe.


  • Anastasia Bermúdez Université de Liège
Keywords: Migration policy, State, diaspora, migrants, Latin America, Colombia, Europe


Migratory processes are not only influenced by the migration policies of host states, but also by the policies of the countries of origin. In the Latin American context, in the last few years there has been a more or less generalised effort to create, reinforce or redirect links with the diaspora, in this way contributing to redefine meanings and experiences of citizenship and identiy. This article analyses the efforts on behalf of the Colombian state and the actions and responses of Colombian migrants in Europe. It is based on secondary data as well as the results of several research projects carried out by the author. The article highlights the key role played by states of origin, but also by other actors such as associations and migrants themselves in the development of diasporic relations, concepts of citizenship and feelings of belonging and identiy.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez, A. (2014). Links between the State and its citizens abroad:: the case of Colombian migrants in Europe. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (13). Retrieved from