Moments Jacó Guinsburg´s intelectual and editorial trajectory.

A chapter of Jewish inmigration in the cultural history of São Paulo and Brasil.


  • Rosangela Patriota Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Keywords: Jacó Ginsburg, Jewish immigration, Brazilian culture, cultural history, Brazilian theatre, Aesthetics.


Taking as its starting point the issue of immigration, this article will discuss some aspects of the trajectory of Jacob Ginsburg (J. Ginsburg). Born in Bessarabia, in 1921, Ginsburg, a boy, came to Brazil with his family and settled here. Developed numerous professional activities, but it was as a teacher, researcher and editor of one of the most important Brazilian publishers - Publisher Perspective, which became not only a chapter of Jewish immigration, but the cultural history of the city of São Paulo and the country itself.


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How to Cite
Patriota, R. (2013). Moments Jacó Guinsburg´s intelectual and editorial trajectory.: A chapter of Jewish inmigration in the cultural history of São Paulo and Brasil. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (11). Retrieved from