Self representations during the III Reich.

Interpretation of “curricula” written by “returners” from Brazil to Germany.


  • Méri Frotscher Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
Keywords: Self representation, “life trajectory”, German citizens, Brazil, return, Germany, III Reich.


This article is on self representations written by a former Austrian citizen who lived in Brazil and went to Germany because of the III Reich. These curricula were requested by the “Rückwandereramt” (RWA), a government office which was responsible for the returning German citizens. Based on this case study, the article discusses and analyses his curricula vitae written for two different occasions in their specific production`contexts. Therefore, not only the personal file, but also other sources from the RWA collections, as well as primary and secondary sources from other archives were used.


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How to Cite
Frotscher, M. (2013). Self representations during the III Reich.: Interpretation of “curricula” written by “returners” from Brazil to Germany. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (11). Retrieved from