Peronism, marxism and left-wing intellectuals on times of prohibition.


  • Pablo Ponza Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Peronism, Marxism, intellectuals, left-wing culture.


The theme of this paper is the link between Peronism and the left-wing culture during its political proscription (1955-1973). This article has two specific purposes: on one hand to analyze the ideological transformation of the left-wing intellectual’s political expression along this period. And, on the other hand, to explore how the doctrinaire heterodoxy from the left-wing culture influenced and projected new political contents into different intellectuals expressions. In other words the text describes, first of all, the situation taking into account the environment of proscription and violence against the most important party of that time; an international context of dichotomy and Cold War, and the circulation of new ideas and the school of thought during those years. Secondly, the text also reflects about how all those elements influenced the intellectuals and political activists, thus leading them to search new and more effective political practices.


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How to Cite
Ponza, P. (2013). Peronism, marxism and left-wing intellectuals on times of prohibition. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (11). Retrieved from