Predominant teaching model in the indigenous education in Paraguay.


  • Celsa Quiñónez de Bernal Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Keywords: Indigenous education, education policy, indigenous knowledge, elevant curriculum, bilingual approach, ethnic identity.


The approach to the study seeks to clarify the understanding of the real situation of indigenous education in Paraguay, perspective, dominant pedagogical model and the difficulties that hinder education to respond with relevance to indigenous peoples. The techniques implemented in the field, suffering from combining data from primary and secondary sources are: the analysis of official documents and technical interview key informants. Among the major findings are mentioned: a) The dominant pedagogical model in indigenous education, despite some meaningful, still in the context of conventional education, assimilation, with content and times outside indigenous peoples; b) The need for policies viable educational and participatory action for indigenous students to culminate the second cycle and tertiary school who are potential college students; c) Developing ingenous teacher training centers, based on experience capitalized with the experimental implementation of the Plan Indian teacher training also promote training, expertise, especially in the technical area designed to achieve labor skills that enable them to live decently; d) Include more community members in educational management, respect and support community leaders.


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Author Biography

Celsa Quiñónez de Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Asunción


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How to Cite
Quiñónez de Bernal, C. (2012). Predominant teaching model in the indigenous education in Paraguay. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (8). Retrieved from