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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work that I wish to send to Naveg@mérica is original, has not been previously published and is not being evaluated in parallel in any other journal.
  • The file sent is in Word format.
  • The article has a summary in Spanish and a summary in English that clearly contain the objectives, the methodology and the conclusions or recommendations reached in the work.
  • All the people who make up the authorship of the article are indicated, taking into account that the order in which they sign will be that of publication, and they also add the institution to which they belong, their email and their complete ORCID code.
  • The article has the title in Spanish and English.
  • The work has keywords in Spanish and English.
  • The article complies with the style rules (typeface and size, line spacing and margins), indicated in the guidelines for authors.
  • Words and terms extracted from other languages ​​appear in italics, as well as titles of newspapers, magazines, and monographs.
  • The texts presented comply with the structure of any scientific work: introduction, objectives, state of the art, methodology, results, conclusions and bibliography.
  • The titles of the sections are numbered consecutively.
  • Illustrations (figures, tables, tables, maps, photographs, etc.) are numbered, have a title, and indicate the sources from which they were obtained. If they are self-made, it appears: Source: self-made.
  • In the article, the references, both those of the footnotes and those of the final bibliography, are duly standardized, following the indications that appear in the guidelines for authors.
  • If the research and/or preparation of the article has been financially financed by an institution and/or research project, it must be indicated. To do this, at the end of the main title (the one that appears above), a footnote is added in which it is stated. That is to say, in the first footnote of the work the mention of the source of financing would appear (if it exists).

Author Guidelines

Reception of originals

The originals can be sent by email to the following address: iris@unizar.es, specifying in the Subject of the message, the name of the journal (Naveg@mérica).

Selection of originals
The works sent to the first three sections of this journal (Articles, Research Experiences and Americanist Documentation) must be unpublished and original, the result of research and analysis of the primary sources under study. Therefore, tools that detect matches with other publications can be used. Works already published are not accepted except in exceptional circumstances, such as when the edition in which they initially appeared has been sold out, or when, due to the interest of the subject, their re-edition is convenient, but always stating so. In any case, this should be a subject of analysis by the editorial committee.


Selection process of works to publish
In the process of evaluating the articles, scientific arbitration is carried out through peer review and a third reviewer in case of discrepancy, by experts in the content of the work being evaluated, with total anonymity in the review of manuscripts.
The time used for the review and information to the author of its acceptance or rejection, should be between four and six weeks from receipt.
In the evaluation process, it has the competence and professional capacity of its reviewers, most of whom are external to the journal's publishing institution, ensuring rigor, confidentiality, impartiality, and honesty in the development of this management.
Once received, the works will be sent to at least 2 expert evaluators in the field so that they issue a report on the convenience or not of their acceptance. The authors will receive the assessment that their contributions have received in the shortest possible time.
The publication regulations and the requirements that the works must meet in terms of their structure and content are available in the Publication standars. Articles that do not meet these standards will not be published or sent to reviewers.


Publication standards

1. The originals must be sent in Word format.

2. Tittle. It will appear in uppercase, bold and center aligned. It will also appear in English.

3. After the title, it must include, aligned to the right:

  • The name of the authors (in lowercase except for the initials).
  • The institution with which they are linked (just one, in lower case, except for initials and italics).
  • The email address.
  • Your full ORCID codes. For example: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1026-067X

According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), who is justified to appear as co-author of an article, are those who have made the contributions to the research: 1- conception and design, 2- data acquisition, 3- analysis and interpretation, or in the article 4- writing of the article, 5- revision of the article.

COPE also points out that most analysts in this field point out the following: – Publishers and evaluation agencies (and the general public) interpret that the first signatory is the person who has made the main contribution to article. – It is considered that the order of signature of the co-authors to the right indicates decreasing contributions.

Aspects related to authorship and the order in which the authors will appear in the publication must be agreed upon before beginning the research, as this will affect the authors when they are evaluated by the evaluation agencies.

Important: in a footnote, next to the name of the authors, they must indicate the criteria used when indicating the signatures.

4. If the research and/or preparation of the article has been financially financed by an institution and/or research project, it must be indicated. To do this, at the end of the main title (the one that appears above), a footnote is added in which it is stated. That is to say, in the first footnote of the work the mention of the source of financing would appear (if it exists).

5. An abstract with a maximum of 150 words must be included. It will also appear in English.

6. Keywords. You must include between 6 and 8 keywords, which must also be offered in English. These keywords will be stated as follows: the first in capital letters and all will be separated from each other with commas. Ex: Frontera, Ricardo Elizondo Elizondo, Mexican literature, microhistory, technological development, Northern Mexico.

7. Style: 

  • Font type and size:
    • Title of the work: Arial, 12 (in capital letters).
    • Author: Arial 12.
    • Institution: Arial 12 (in italics).
    • Email: Arial 12.
    • ORCID: Arial 12.
    • Abstract and keywords: Arial 10.
    • Title: Arial 10 (in capital letters).
    • Abstract and keywords: Arial 10.
    • Message body: Arial 12.
    • Footnotes: Arial 10.
    • Legend of the tables or figures: Arial 10.
  • Line spacing of the text. Simple spacing.
  • Margins. The top margin should be 3 cm. and the others (lower, right and left) must be 2.5 cm.

8. Terms taken from other languages. New words and terms taken from other languages ​​should be italicized. The titles of newspapers, magazines, monographs and other similar proper names, too.

9. Editorial practice in gender equality: inclusive language must be used in publications and include the full name of the authors in the bibliographical references consulted.

10. The structure of the texts presented must be like that of any scientific work: introduction, objectives, state of the art, methodology, results, conclusions and bibliography.

11. The titles of the sections must be numbered consecutively. Each subsection must be numbered starting from the number of the section to which it belongs. Ex: 2. The Bourbon reforms / 2.1. The Royal Treasury.

12. Illustrations (figures, tables, charts, maps, photographs, etc.). Illustrations can be in black and white or color. They must all be numbered, with a title, and indicate the sources from which they have been obtained. If they are self-made, indicate: Source: Self-made. All this information should appear below the image in question. Examples: Fig. 2: Municipality of Tolimán marked with a circle, within the State of Querétaro, in the center of the Mexican Republic. Source: GUERRERO MARTÍNEZ, Bruno. History of Mexico [online]. Federal District: Editions of the UNAM, 2018, p. 137. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <https://www.url.com>. / Fig. 3: Distribution of the chapels studied within the community of San Miguel. Source: Self-made.

13. Languages ​​of the works. The language of the works presented may be: Spanish, English, French, Italian or Portuguese. Regardless of the language used, the article must contain the title, abstract and the words in Spanish and English, as well as in the original language of the work. For example: if an article is written in Spanish, the title, the abstract and the keywords will have to be in Spanish and English; If the work is written in Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords must appear in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

14. Extension. The extension of the originals must be around 25 pages.

15. Citations and bibliographical references:

  • Citations should appear like this:
    • In the text: a note like this appears: "just as the text by Guerrero Martínez1 says..."
    • The following must appear in the footnote: 1 GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Mexico [online]. Federal District: Editions of the UNAM, 2018, p. 137. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <https://www.url.com>.
  • If it is the first time a work is cited, the complete reference is given, for example: DÍAZ PÉREZ, Fernando and MARTÍNEZ SOLÍS, Lorena. Institutional communication of the Latin American Naval and Maritime Museums in the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica de la Asociación Española de Americanistas [online]. 2015, no. 14, p. 7. Available at <http://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/223931>.
  • If the following quote is exactly the same, we use: Ibídem.
  • If it varies somewhat, for example, the page number or it is not consecutive, we use the Op. cit., as follows: DÍAZ PÉREZ, Fernando and MARTÍNEZ SOLÍS, Lorena. Institutional communication... Op. cit., p. 17.
  • Bibliography. The bibliography must appear as determined by the ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 standards (at the end of this document we offer some examples). If there is any doubt about how to cite, please consult the Editorial Committee: loremart@um.es

16. Submission of works: The works will be sent by email to the following address: iris@unizar.es


ISO 690:2010 (paper format) and ISO 690:2010(E) (electronic format) for Bibliographic References

ISO 690:2010, which is the current edition and supersedes the previous one and its supplement. The standard has been translated into Spanish by Aenor (Spain) as UNE-ISO 690 (May 2013), and entitled Information and Documentation - Guidelines for writing bibliographic references and citations of information resources.


On paper

ONE author

Surname name. Title of the book in italics. Translator; editor. Edition number. Place: publisher, year. Number of pages. Series. Notes (Translated from ...). ISBN.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137. [If those pages have been consulted].

GIMÉNEZ MARTINEZ, German. History of Murcia. Murcia: Editum, 2018. 303 p. [Total number of pages in the work].

TWO authors

SURNAME, Name and SURNAME, Name. Title of the book in italics. Translator; editor. Edition number. Place: publisher, year. Number of pages. Series. Notes (Translated from ...). ISBN.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán and SOLÍS BAIDEZ, Guillermo. History of Murcia. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137. [If those pages have been consulted].

THREE authors

Surname name; SURNAME, Name and SURNAME, Name. Title of the book in italics. Translator; editor. Edition number. Place: publisher, year. Number of pages. Series. Notes (Translated from ...). ISBN.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán; SOLÍS BAIDEZ, Guillermo and PÉREZ DE LAS CASAS, Leopoldo. History of Murcia. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137. [If those pages have been consulted].

MORE than THREE authors

SURNAME, Name [et al.]. Title of the book in italics. Translator; editor. Edition number. Place: publisher, year. Number of pages. Series. Notes (Translated from ...). ISBN.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán [et al.]. History of Murcia. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137. [If those pages have been consulted].

[The way authors should appear is applicable to any type of document].


SURNAME, Name. Book title in italics [online]. Translator; editor. Edition number. Place: editorial, year, pages. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia [online]. Murcia: Editum, 2018, p. 130-137. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


On paper

SURNAME, Name. Article title. Name of the journal in italics. Year, vol., n., pages.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. Annals of Modern History. 2018, Vol. 15, n. 7, pp. 13-15.


SURNAME, Name. Article title. Journal name in italics [online]. Year, vol., n., pp. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. Annals of Modern History [online]. 2018, Vol. 15, n. 7, pp. 13-15. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

For multi-author documents where there is a general editor or compiler (eg, book chapters and conference proceedings)

On paper

SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (ed.). Title of the book in italics. Place: publisher, year, pp.

*ed. (editor); comp. (compiler), ill. (illustrator), etc. If there are several, it is put in the plural: eds. (editors); comps. (compilers), ills. (illustrators), etc.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. In: SOLIS BAIDEZ, Guillermo (ed.). History of the provinces of Spain. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137.


SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (ed.). Book title in italics [online]. Place: publisher, year, pp. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. In: SOLIS BAIDEZ, Guillermo (ed.). History of the provinces of Spain [online]. Murcia: Editum, 2018, pp. 130-137. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


On paper

SURNAME, Name, year of publication. Article title. Name of the newspaper in italics. Day and month of publication, pages.

Ex: ESPINOSA, Saúl, 2018. Fleeing from hell without a happy ending. The world. July 4, pp. 24-25.


SURNAME, Name, year of publication. Article title. Name of the newspaper in italics [online]. Day and month of publication, pages. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: ESPINOSA, Saúl, 2018. Fleeing from hell without a happy ending. The World [online]. July 4, pp. 24-25. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


On paper

SURNAME, Name (of the student or doctoral student). Title of the FDP, FMP or doctoral thesis in italics [indicate here what type of document it is]. Place: University, year. Pages.

Ex: CANCHO RODRÍGUEZ, Susana María. Polymer solutions: effect of hydrogen bonds on their thermophysical properties [doctoral thesis]. Madrid: Complutense University of Madrid, 1998. 432 p.


SURNAME, Name (of the student or doctoral student). Title of the FDP, FMP or doctoral thesis in italics [indicate here what type of document it is]. Place: University, year. Pages. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: CANCHO RODRÍGUEZ, Susana María. Polymer solutions: effect of hydrogen bonds on their thermophysical properties [doctoral thesis]. Madrid: Complutense University of Madrid, 1998. 432 p. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


With author

SURNAME, Name. Subpage title. Web page title in italics [online]. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: BAIDEZ LOVES, Laura. Scientific Publications. Curriculum website [online]. [Consultation date: 07-14-2020]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

No author

Subpage title. Name of the web page in italics [online]. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Scientific publications. Curriculum website [online]. [Consultation date: 07-14-2020]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


With author

SURNAME, Name. Entry title. Blog name in italics [blog entry]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. History of Murcia. Blog about History of Spain [blog entry]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

No author

Title of the post. Blog name in italics [blog entry]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: History of Murcia. Blog about History of Spain [blog entry]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


With author

SURNAME, Name. Video title in italics [video]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: GIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Germán. Presentation video [video]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

With user of YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Username on YouTube. Video title in italics [video]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Chair of Naval History and Heritage. Presentation video [video]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


Article title. Encyclopedia name in italics [online]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Greek historiography. Wikipedia [online]. 01-12-2019. [Query: 07-14-2020]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


Name of the responsible entity shown on Twitter [@username]. Tweet text in italics [tweet]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Chair of Naval History and Heritage [@catedranaval]. Lighthouse Keeper: A trade in danger of extinction that has been witness to history [video]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


SURNAME, Name or Name of the responsible entity shown in the podcast. Podcast title in italics [podcast]. Publication date with day-month-year. [Consultation date: day-month-year]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Chair of Naval History and Heritage. The galleys in the Mediterranean [podcast]. 07-15-2018. [Consultation: 12-12-2018]. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


On paper

Jurisdiction, Date. Title of the legal text (formed by the number of the law, decree, etc.; day and month, and official name of the law). title in italics. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication, location of the law (number and pages).

Ex: Spain, 1987. Law 22/1987, of November 11, on Intellectual Property. State Official Newsletter. Madrid: BOE, November 17, 1987, no. 275, pp. 34163-34176.


Jurisdiction, Date. Title of the legal text (formed by the number of the law, decree, etc.; day and month, and official name of the law). Publication title in italics [online]. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication, location of the law (number and pages). Available at <http://www.url.com/>.

Ex: Spain, 1987. Law 22/1987, of November 11, on Intellectual Property. Official State Gazette [online]. Madrid: BOE, November 17, 1987, no. 275, p. 34163-34176. Available at <http://www.url.com/>.


Regulations for the publication of dossiers

The issues of Naveg@mérica are published in March and October.

You must send us an email with a summary about the dossier (topic, how many articles are going to be part of it, etc.), stating your interest in publishing it in the Magazine, to: Juan José Sánchez Baena, Director of the Magazine, (baena@ um.es), Palmira Vélez, Secretary, (iris@unizar.es) and Lorena Martínez Solís, webmaster (loremart@um.es).

If the proposal is accepted, you will have to take care of sending the articles that are going to be part of the dossier to be evaluated. You cannot evaluate them among yourselves (authors of the dossier), but you have to send them to other experts on the subject (who are not going to publish in that dossier).

Two positive evaluations are needed for each article (we will provide you with the form that the evaluators have to fill out). If one review is positive and the other is negative, you'll need a third to "break the tie." If the third is positive the work is accepted and if it is negative it is rejected.

In this issue of Naveg@mérica there is a dossier published that can serve as an example. First is the introduction of the coordinators of the same and, then, the articles that compose it.

Once you have all the evaluations and the articles meet the publication standards, you will have to send us a folder (to iris@unizar.es):

  • The introduction to the dossier written by the coordinators.
  • The articles that compose it (minimum 5 works).
  • The evaluations of each of them (all organized in folders, please).
  • A document indicating the order of the articles in the dossier.

Rules for posting reviews

The style of the document must be the same as that of the articles, described above.

The length of the reviews has an average of 5 pages.

At the beginning of the review, the bibliographic reference of the reviewed work must appear following the ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 standards. For example: TORRE CURIEL, José Refugio de la and LÓPEZ CASTILLO, Gilberto. Jesuits and Franciscans on the frontiers of New Spain, 16th–19th centuries. Mexico: Siglo XXI Publishers, 2020. 299 p. ISBN:978-607-8657-39-1.

At the end of the text it will be stated, aligned to the right:

  • The name of the authors (in lowercase except for the initials).
  • The institution with which they are linked (in lower case, except for initials and italics).
  • The email address.
  • Your full ORCID codes. For example: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1026-067X

An example of a review can be found here: <https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/514371/321111>.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.