ΙΗΣΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΠΟΣ (Apoll. Rhod., IV 1161 ss.)


  • Luigi Belloni Università di Trento
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.549031
Keywords: ἀσπασίως, θεουδής, τέλος, «offenesEnde»delas Argonáuticas


The Drepane episode focuses on the marriage between Medea and Jason and, as known, it introduces several allusions to their dramatic future in Corinth. Jason ὑπότροπος recalls different topics versus Odysseus; his return to Jolcus is conceived from the poeta doctus as a component of ἀμηχανίη which involves the Argonautic romance. At the opposite of Arete and Alcinoous and of Penelope and Odysseus as well, Medea and Jason are unable to establish a peaceful, ideal οἶκος after the golden fleece conquest.


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How to Cite
Belloni, L. . (2022). ΙΗΣΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΠΟΣ (Apoll. Rhod., IV 1161 ss.). Myrtia, 37, 66–77. https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.549031