Anger in the Sententiae associated with Publilius


  • Guillaume Flamerie de Lachapelle Université Bordeaux Montaigne / Institut Ausonius
Keywords: Anger, Publilius, sententiae, pilosophy


In the Sententiae associated with Publilius, there are two main characteristics of anger: its brevity and its danger. Such a view was common by the end of the Republic. The moral assessment of anger can vary: when it is the result of a thoughtless impulsion, which occurs most of the time, the anger is blamed, but several verses seem to approve it when it came from a wise man. It is hard to understand whether this fact is influenced by a philosophy (Epicuraneism) or by dramaturgic necessities we do not know because of the fragmentary state of our corpus. It is nevertheless possible to assign a role to anger in several usual mime plots: it can provoke an argument as well as a reconciliation between two people who are in love and, as it appeared in Classical Comedy, it seems to occur often in a father-son relationship.


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How to Cite
Flamerie de Lachapelle, G. (2021). Anger in the Sententiae associated with Publilius. Myrtia, 36, 76–91.