La campaña de Pompeyo en Sicilia (82 a.C.)

The campaign of Pompey in Sicilia (82 B.C.)


  • Luis Amela Valverde Grupo CEIPAC. Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Sicily, Civil War, Pompey, M. Perperna, Cn. Papirius Carbo, M. valerius Sorano, Sthenius of Himera, clientela, via Pompeia


The campaign of Cn. Pompey the Great (cos . I 70 BC) on the island of Sicily during the year 82 B.C., in the framework of the First Civil War (88-81 BC), is not well known. Not only does he figure on tiptoe in works on the aforementioned conflict, but in several biographies of this character his stay is hardly mentioned. In this paper we want to present the actions that Pompey carried out, both positive (to provide justice, establishment of clientties, the via Pompeia ) and negative (execution of M. Valerius Soranus [tr . pl . 82 BC] and Cn. Papirius Carbo [cos. II 82 BC], which earned him the qualification of adulescentulus carnifex ).


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How to Cite
Amela Valverde, L. . (2020). La campaña de Pompeyo en Sicilia (82 a.C.): The campaign of Pompey in Sicilia (82 B.C.). Myrtia, 35, 225–248.