Eros in Aristotle
Abstract: The noun érōs and its variant éros appear 37 times in Aristotle, who has remarkable interest in various issues related to love and offers different meanings of the word. 1. As god; 2. Asa vehement desire; 3. As something involuntary; 4. Male homosexual Eros; 5. Examples of this love; 6. Having male and female loves; 7. Possible venereal act with people of both sexes; 8. The incestuous desire of a mother regarding her son; 9. Incestuous love between
brothers; 10. Incest in general; 11. The erotic passion experienced by a married woman
towards a young man; 12. The body suffers in relation to love; 13. The love attributed to
certain animals; 14. The winged love depicted in the painting.
Ediciones seguidas
1. Aristóteles.
1.1. Obras conservadas.
Analíticos primeros
Aristotelis analytica priora et posteriora, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1964 (reimpr. 1968).
Ética eudemia
Aristotelis ethica Eudemia, ed. F. Susemihl, Leipzig, Teubner, 1884 (reimpr.
Amsterdam, Hakkert, 1967).
Ética nicomaquea
Aristotelis ethica Nicomachea, ed. I. Bywater, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
(reimpr. 1962).
Historia de los animales
Aristote. Histoire des animaux, vols. 1-3, ed., trad., not., P. Louis, París, Les
Belles Lettres, 1964-1969.
Marcha de los animales
Aristotelis de animalium motione et de animalium incessu. Ps.-Aristotelis de
spiritu libellus, ed. W. Jaeger, Leipzig, Teubner, 1913.
Aristotle’s metaphysics, 2 vols., ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
(reimpr. 1970, sobre la edición corregida de 1953).
Aristotelis politica, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957 (reimpr.
Aristotelis ars rhetorica, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959
(reimpr. 1964).
Sobre los ensueños
Aristotle. Parva naturalia, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1955
(reimpr. 1970).
Aristotelis topica et sophistici elenchi, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1958 (reimpr. 1970).
1.2. Obra espuria
[De Melisso Xenophane Gorgia] H. Diels, “Aristotelis qui fertur de Melisso
Xenophane Gorgia libellus”, Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie
der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Philosoph.-hist. Kl. 1900, 15-35.
1.3. Obras completas
Aristotelis Opera, ed. A. I. Bekker, Berlín, Typis et impensis Georgii
Reimeri, 1-5, 1831–1870 (reimpr. Berlín, de Gruyter, 1960).
1.4. Fragmentos.
Aristotelis Fragmenta Selecta, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Typographeo
Clarendoniano, 1955 (numerosas reimpresiones).
Aristotelis Opera (ex recensione I. Bekkeri, ed. 2), Vol. 3. Librorum
Deperditorum Fragmenta, ed. O. Gigon, Berlín-Nueva York, de
Gruyter, 1987.
Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta, ed. V. Rose, Leipzig,
Teubner, 18863 (reimpr. 1967).
2. Otros autores o conjuntos literarios.
Appendix proverbiorum, en F. G. Schneidewin-E. L. von Leutsch (eds.),
Corpus paroemiographorum Graecorum, Gotinga, Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 1839 (reimpr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1965), 1.379-467.
Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, ed. H. Diels-W. Kranz, 1-3, Dublín-
Zúrich, Weidmann, reimp. 197216.
Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum ed. F. Solmsen, Fragmenta
selecta ed. R. Merkelbach-M. L. West, Oxford, Oxford classical
Texts, 1970.
Theocritus, ed., trad., com., A. S. F. Gow, 1-2, Cambridge University Press,
reimp. 1973 (19501).
Tragica adespota, en R. Kannicht-B. Snell (eds.), Tragicorum Graecorum
fragmenta, Gotinga, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1981, 2, 3-173, 177-
, 220-319.
3. Instrumento general.
TLG, 20011 (=Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, University of California. Irvine
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