El Caesaraug. Gr. 17 y el texto de Demóstenes: primeros apuntes textuales


  • Felipe G. Hernández Muñoz
Keywords: Caesaraug. 17, Demosthenes, First Olynthiac, Bartolomé Llorente, Greek text


We present a new Greek manuscript of Demosthenes (First Olynthiac): the Caesaraug. 17 (Biblioteca Capitular, La Seo, Zaragoza), s. XVI, copied by Bartolomé Llorente and several hands from his circle. We offer a first evaluation of the transmitted text, with special attention to its relationship with the demosthenic veteres S A F Y; textual variants, and concurrences with ancient readings (papyri and quotations) and modern conjectures.


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How to Cite
Hernández Muñoz F. G. (2013). El Caesaraug. Gr. 17 y el texto de Demóstenes: primeros apuntes textuales. Myrtia, 28, 31–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/myrtia/article/view/187901