The close relationship beween the facade of the Guevara Palace of Lorca and the principal altarpiece of los alcantarinos of the Priego has led me to question what is the connecting-point between two such distint artistic forms and two such distinct regious as Andalucía and Murcia. 0n the one hand there was the figure of Hurtado Izquierdo, an architect who worked in the area of Cordoba and Granada, and who has been linked to the altarpiece of San Pedro; and on fhe other hand Jeronimo Caballero, who appears working in Priego together with Jeronimo Sanchez de Rueda, in 1702. on the altarpiece of Jesús Crucificado of Cordohn designed by Hurtado Izquierdo. The altarpiece of San Pedro was already being made in 1700. the wood-carvers are not known, but it is very significant the pressence of Jerónimo Caballero in Priego and very significant that the Altarpiece of los alcantarinos is a transposition in wood from a work realised in stone and that Caballero arrived at Priego from Lorca. All these series of coincidences led me to believe that there was a continual inter-change of artistic forms. that circulated from one area to another. and that Jeronimo Caballero brought the essence of Barroque artisfic forms to Priego from Lorca where they were developing and to which he returned with renewed ideas that would manifesf ifself in the aesthetic and conceptual structures that he would give to his altarpieces.Descargas
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