The aim of this paper is to offer a summary state of the question on the controversial origin of a beautifully illustrated manuscript of the XIIth century (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, Ms. 19). Both a Montecassino and a Ripoll origin has been postulated for it by reputated scholars. Until now, Spanish historiography has assumed Millás Vallicrosa position about a Ripoll provenance for the codex, based on supposed catalan expressions in the text. However, the author of this article presents some evidence which hints to an Italian origin, basing on the Montecassino origin of the compilation, the beneventan script copy on which the manuscript was based and the permanence in South Italy during the Late Middle Ages of the illustrative tradition to which can be adscribed the set of astronomical miniatures. On this bases, even if accepting the hypothetic catalan origin of the scribe, it would be more plausible to think in a catalan monk writing in Italy than a manuscript of this series being copied in Ripoll.Downloads
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