The necessity of spiritual atendance of the villa of Cieza before the militant spirit of its neighbors caused by the annihilation amd reconquers of the Arab domination in sapnish territory provoked, in 1603 the appearance of the franciscanos in the place. The license of foundation of the convent was granted the 27 of July of 1671. by the queen Dña. Mariana de Austria revoking itself later by the breach of the requeriments contracted initially. The conventual building was structured around claustre of, reduced dimensions, The one present/displays square plant and is raised in two floors. In the center a cistern. It counted on several dependencies. Among them the room to capitulate, the room of profundis, the refectory and the cells. As far as sculptoricas or pictorial repesentations, the barafoor ones showed preferences for the key figures of the Christian religion defending image of the man of pains and the Inmaculate one. The new liberal laws grave rise to the gestation in Cortes od Cádiz, oh the proyectt os suppression of the religius orders. carried out of inflexble way in 1836. The result was the suppression of the convent and the confiscation.Downloads
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