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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not previously been published nor has it previously been sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The sent file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; the font size is 10 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text on the site to which they belong and not at the end of it all.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are sending to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must ensure that the instructions has been followeb in Securing a Blind Review .

Author Guidelines

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The submission is original, i.e., the text and data presented in it have not been published before. All authors guarantee their participation and responsibility in the proposal. The proposal will not be under the consideration of another publication or simultaneous event.
  • The file complies with the instructions described in Ensuring anonymous review, in case the submission is directed to a peer-reviewed section.
  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is single spaced; the font size is 12 point; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL's, which must also be active); all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text in their proper place and not at the end of the document.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • URL's have been provided in the references, for those who have them available.
  • The authors assume full responsibility for the bibliographic citations used, as well as for the ethical aspects related to the subjects of the study.
  • The authors state that the opinions expressed in their proposal do not necessarily represent the point of view of the editors of the journal, who will have no responsibility or commitment for their content. The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published proposals rests solely with the authors.



  • Unpublished research papers, which have not been published or presented for that purpose in any other media, either printed or electronic, with a maximum recommended length of 20/25 pages (including bibliography and documentary appendices) and a number of images or illustrations not exceeding 8.
  • Reviews of recently published books and exhibitions, with a maximum length of four pages and 2 illustrations.
  • Abstracts of undergraduate theses or research sufficiency papers that remain unpublished until the date of receipt and acceptance of the same.

The texts submitted must be written in Spanish or English.

The Editorial Secretariat is responsible for receiving the originals, ensuring compliance with the rules of publication, sending the papers to the Editorial Board and to the external evaluators appointed in each case, as well as returning the articles to the authors for correction.

Papers should be submitted through the journal's web page: https://revistas.um.es/imafronte



We perform blind peer review. The submitted papers are submitted to the opinion of two specialists in the field. The reviewers advise on the scientific nature of the proposals, as well as being a novel contribution.

After their opinion, the Editorial Board decides whether or not to proceed with publication, and informs the authors of the editorial decisions taken.

Authors must prove that their submissions meet all the requirements.

Those that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned.

It is recommended to provide complete data (affiliation, e-mail) of two possible reviewers for the evaluation of the article. The proposal should be justified by the fact that they are specialists in the field of work addressed by the article. The reviewers should not belong to the same institution as the author, nor should they have any conflict of interest. The editorial staff of the journal reserves the right to propose these or other reviewers for the evaluation of the article, in case it passes to the review phase.



Papers must present the following identification elements on a separate sheet of paper:

Title of the paper.
Name and surname(s) of the author(s).
Center to which they are attached.
Complete postal address, contact telephone numbers and e-mail address.
Date of submission.



Title/Title in Spanish and English (Times New Roman, size 14, capital letters, bold and centered for Spanish / Times New Roman, size 12, capital letters, bold and centered for English).

Abstract/Abstract, of less than 200 words, in Spanish and English, where the subject matter of the article and its main contributions are explained; as well as the keywords/key words, about 5 words separated by slashes (Times New Roman, size 12, justified on both sides).

The total length of the articles should not exceed 20 pages (approx. 80,000 characters including spaces). The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, single-spaced. Pages should be numbered at the bottom right. The distance from the top and bottom edges of the page should be 2 cm. The text should be justified and with 2 cm. margins on the left and right sides of the page. Paragraphs should be indented on the first line.


Numbering of headings:

The sections in which the article is structured should be numbered in Arabic numerals, correlatively, and followed by a period. They should be in capital letters, Times New Roman, size 12 and bold. Second level titles (1.1., 1.2., etc.) should be in lower case, size 12 and bold. Third level headings (1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.) shall be in lower case, italics, size 12 but not bold.



Figures and tables shall be placed within the text in their proper place and numbered as such in a differentiated manner (FIGURE 1, TABLE 1, etc). They should have a concise and clear title, in capital letters, bold and centered. The font shall be Times New Roman, size 8 (DISDÉRI & CIE. PORTRAIT OF A CHILD. 1862. J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM).



They should be reduced to what is indispensable. They should be placed at the foot of the page and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The font should be Times New Roman, size 10.


Author citations:

Author citations in the text will only include the author's surname(s), the year and, if necessary, the page (Scharf, 2005: 11) (Tagg, 2005: 75; Freund, 2006: 57). If several citations of the same author and year are handled, they will be ordered by adding lowercase letters (a,b,c,...). The complete reference of the citations will be made in the bibliography.



It will go at the end of the article, in alphabetical order of authors, according to the following model depending on whether it is a book, book chapter or journal article, printed or electronic (The font will be Times New Roman, size 11):

Cartier-Bresson, H. (2017). Fotografiar del natural. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Calvo Serraller, F. (2010). Los dibujos de Antonio López. En Antonio López: dibujos. Madrid: TF Editores, 19-57.

Bonet Correa, A. (1976). Antonio López García. Goya, 116, 92-103.



(maximum 3,000 characters including spaces). Descriptive or critical writings on recent publications that are within the general subject of publication of the journal.



Interviews with a maximum of 25,000 characters including spaces will be accepted.



Department of History of Art.

Faculty of Arts. University of Murcia

La Merced Campus

C/ Santo Cristo, 1

30001, Murcia

E-mail: espforce@um.es - asensio.martinez@um.es

Web: https://revistas.um.es/imafronte

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or other person.