The Entrepreneurial Credibility Model on students from nursing and physiotherapy


Keywords: Entrepreneurship Credibility, Self-Efficacy, Creativity and Innovation, Effort and Perseverance, Unemployment, Funding

Supporting Agencies

  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
  • de la UVIC-UCC.


Objective:This paper analyses social and demographic factors, personality traits and the endogenous and exogenous variables of feasibility in order to find out the ones that generate the greatest influence on the entrepreneurial behaviour from physiotherapy and nursing students.
Method: The study is based on the Krueger and Brazeal model of entrepreneurial potential, which is a mix of the Shapero’s model of the entrepreneurial event, and the Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour.
The research identifies the key variables of perceived desirability and feasibility on the entrepreneur student credibility. The data were collected from 302 students of health science degrees: nursing (122); physiotherapy (180).
 Results: The equation model of the credibility on entrepreneurship shows the importance of the feasibility perception, especially on innovation and creativity, and self- efficacy. The model also includes the variables of effort and perseverance, unemployment and funding.
Conclusion: The educative programs on entrepreneurship are effective when they impact to  personality traits as openness, propensity to risk, responsibility and need of achievement. This is because each one of them affects directly to the variable key of creativity and innovation.
The study confirms that physiotherapy students are more likely to become entrepreneurs than nursing students are.


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Author Biographies





Directora del departamento de economía y empresa; y responsable de la unidad de emprendimiento de la UVIC-UCC.

Profesora agregada del departamento de economía y empresa de la UVIC-UCC.


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How to Cite
Mussons Torras, M. and Tarrats-Pons, E. 2017. The Entrepreneurial Credibility Model on students from nursing and physiotherapy. Global Nursing. 17, 1 (Dec. 2017), 294–323. DOI: