Checklist for preparing submissions

Checklist for preparing submissions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure that their submission complies with all of the elements shown below. Therefore, receipt of an article does not mean it has been accepted; instead the submission must meet the requirements established by the journal, which are specified below, and it must pass a peer review process (double blind) for it to be published. Submissions that do not fulfil the following basic requirements will be returned:

- All articles must be original and unpublished and may not be undergoing any other evaluation process with any other journal or publisher.
- We accept articles written in Spanish and English.
- Research and studies relating to the field of education will be accepted for review. Works consisting of a theoretical review will be rejected.
- We recommend that the article contains the following elements as a minimum: title without contractions or abbreviations (in Spanish and English); full names of authors (without abbreviations); institution (without abbreviations); email; abstract in IMRYD format (maximum 250 words; in Spanish, English and French); keywords (maximum 8); statement of the problem or topic being studied; background and theoretical basis; design and methodology; results; discussion of results; conclusions; limitations of the study (and, where applicable, scope for future research); references (APA guidelines).
- The text must be presented in Times New Roman 12 point typeface with the standard margins for works of this type (2.5 cm for each margin).
- Articles must be between 5000 and 7000 words long. This length includes abstracts, keywords, notes, references, tables and figures.
- When preparing articles, follow the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (, using the latest edition, for both Spanish and English.
- If paraphrasing, include the first surname (unless the author links both surnames with a hyphen in the text, in which case these keep their original format (surname-surname)) and the year in parentheses (if this is not known, write “n.d.” (no date) or “s.f.” (sin fecha) if your text is written in Spanish). When there are two or more authors, these are linked using the connector “&” (Surname & Surname) unless the text is in Spanish, in which case use “y”. There should never be a comma before “&” or “y”.
- If, however, there is a word for word quotation of the text of fewer than 40 words, include the author, year, the exact text in inverted commas and the page number (p. X) or pages (pp. X–X). If the citation is over 40 words long, display it in a freestanding block of text, tabbed 1.3 cm to the right and in 11-point text.
- We recommend using a plagiarism detection program before submitting your article to ensure all quotes are correctly done.
- Tables and figures (graphs, figures, photographs, etc.) should only be those needed to complement or clarify the text. Number them consecutively by type (tables and figures) and present them in black and white. Tables and figures must be presented in a format other than an image so that modifications can be made if necessary when typesetting the article.
- Include tables and figures in the text with their corresponding titles and captions (providing information about the content) in the appropriate place and not at the end of the work.
- For tables, put the title above them, left aligned with Arabic numerals, followed by the text describing the table in italics.
- For figures, the title goes below them with the text centred and Arabic numbering followed by a point “.” in italics and, next, the text describing the figure (no italics) ending with a point “.”, all in 10-point text.
- In numerical expressions, separate decimals with a point (e.g. 4.6); present percentage signs closed up (e.g. 80%); do not use superscript for ordinals (e.g. 1st, 2nd); p or r values or cases where values cannot be greater than 1 do not take a zero before the decimal point (e.g. p=.05).
- Notes must be numbered consecutively and their text must be positioned at the foot of the page. Use the minimum necessary. Avoid notes that are simple references. These should go in the text stating only the author(s) and, between parentheses, the year of publication; the full reference should be in the list of references.
- At the end of the work, provide a list entitled “References”, containing the works cited in the body of the text in alphabetical order, with a hanging indent (1.25 cm), justified text and following the APA guidelines (7th edition) applicable to the type of publication. Please use the journal’s presentation, citations and referencing guide in accordance with the APA Manual to ensure they are in the correct format.

- If works published in this journal are cited, the following information must be included:

Surname, Initial. (year). Article title. Educatio Siglo XXI, volume in Arabic numerals in italics (issue of the journal in Arabic numerals in italics), page–page. Retrieved from https://link

Presentation of reviews:

a. Works reviewed: these will preferably be academic publications or relevant innovations in the field of education. The relevance of the work, the specialism and prestige of the author or authors and of the publisher and the topicality of the work (year of publication) will be considered.

b. Review: the quality of the text and the reviewer's specialism in the subject of the work will be taken into account. It should be between 500 and 1000 words long and will have the details of the reviewed work in the header. The given name and surnames, along with the University of the author of the review, must appear at the end of the text.

The review can be sent to the journal’s email address ( or by post to the following address:

Revista Educatio siglo XXI. Facultad de Educación. Campus Universitario de Espinardo. 30100 Murcia.

The author will also send on an attached form, the following personal details: complete name and surname(s), area or department, university, postal address, telephone number and email address.