Antiplagiarism policy

Educatio Siglo XXI ensures that all of the academic works it publishes are original and have not previously been published elsewhere in any other format (fully or partially) and are not undergoing review or decision processes with other journals or types of publication.

The measures the journal takes to make its antiplagiarism policies effective are:

- Use of the Turnitin antiplagiarism program, as well as other complementary ones when deemed appropriate (DupliCheker, Plagium, Copyscape, etc.).

- Notifying authors (if the programs give a similarity report of over 20%) and referees in cases where possible plagiarism is detected so it can be corrected (if it does not exceed the established limits).

- Offering authors and referees alternative online programs they can use to analyse their work before submitting it.

The plagiarism checks will be performed before the peer review process starts. If the software gives a similarity report of over 20% for a work, we will notify the authors by email and include the complete similarity report and the expert comments. This is so the authors can make any comments they believe are relevant so that the journal can determine whether or not the behaviour is linked to plagiarism. If this is deemed to be the case, we will reject the submission and will not review it.