Characteristics of the journal

Educatio Siglo XXI has an open access policy and the electronic version can be consulted fully at the following address: The works are published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons licence (legal text) under which they can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly displayed, on condition that: a) the author and original source of the publication are cited (journal, publisher and URL of the work); b) they are not used for commercial purposes; c) the existence and specifications of this licence for use are mentioned.

The Editorial Board is in charge of the operation of the journal and comprises: an Editorial Team, consisting of an Editor, an Assistant Editor, a Secretary of management and a Secretary of publishing who are responsible for organising, managing and editorial publishing; an Editorial Panel comprising researchers from Spain and other countries from various specialities in educational research and innovation, the composition of which is listed in each issue, indicating its members’ institutional affiliations; an Academic Panel, comprising researchers of recognised standing in the area of educational research and innovation from Spain and other countries; and an Advisory Committee, made up of the representatives of the Dean’s Office and the areas of speciality in the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia.

The journal has various sections: Thematic section, articles and reviews. It mainly accepts for publication articles that communicate the results of original research projects and reviews of relevant recent books that are of interest in the field of education.

The views expressed in the works Educatio Siglo XXI publishes are not the view of the journal and authors are liable for the content of their articles.