Intercultural Education and Cooperation. A New Educational Interaction for a World that Is also Different


  • María José Díaz - Aguado Universidad Complutense
Keywords: Intercultural education, cooperative learning, exclusion, identity, tolerance


In this paper we present some insights and methodological proposals, developed as a result of long-term research on how to put into practice the aims of intercultural education, in such way that it may be possible to advance simultaneously both in equal rights and in the right to one’s own identity. From this perspective, we are presently carrying out the program Prevention after 11-M, in an attempt to prevent the serious events experienced from hindering the values of tolerance, intercultural respect and non-violence, with which our society identifi es itself. The concept of intercultural education that we propose tries to answer the main challenges raised by present social changes, redefi ning the educational roles within cooperation frameworks, articulating interculturalism from a gender perspective within a non-violent curriculum, in order to progress as regards respect for human rights. In our methodological proposals, in accordance with case-analysis methodology, examples of how these are perceived by participating teachers and students are included.


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How to Cite
Díaz - Aguado, M. J. (2004). Intercultural Education and Cooperation. A New Educational Interaction for a World that Is also Different. Educatio Siglo XXI, 22, 59–89. Retrieved from