Evaluation of the potential of toys as an element for raising awareness and promoting social and civic values in childhood: the case of the Childtizens II Project.
Games and toys are valuable educational tools. The CHILDTIZENS Project, co-financed by IVACE and the European Union, is focused on the educational value of games and toys to facilitate awareness and promotion of civic values in childhood. The process includes five phases: the definition of key dimensions that could be promoted through play, the development of assessment and identification tools for the awareness-raising value of play and toys (with the collaboration of 60 experts), their validation with an international study with 1.028 people in 6 European countries, the transfer of the tools and the evaluation of the impact with a study with 370 Spanish families with children between 0 and 9 years old. Four key dimensions for the development of civic values through play were conceptualized: sustainability, gender equality, accessibility, and multiculturalism. In order to recognize the games and toys that can contribute to children’s development, four evaluation scales and four identifying icons were developed. The results indicate that the social perception of the usefulness of the system created is positive (94% of participants). The system makes it possible to identify the awareness-raising potential of games and toys and can be used by the toy industry and civil society. This contributes to adding synergies which lead towards participatory child citizenship, in line with the postulates of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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