Validation of instruments for the assessment of grandparent-grandchild relationships in Primary Education
This study presents the results of the validation process of two data collection instruments on the inclusion of grandparent-grandchild relationships in Primary Education. Two ad hoc questionnaires were designed for the families of the students and the teachers (CUABU-F and CUMEABU-D) with the aim of assessing their conceptions of the roles and profiles of grandparenting and their influence on the development of school children’s identity. From a quantitative approach and with an analytical design, the content validity was estimated through expert judgment, the internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha model) and the construct validity (Principal Component analysis) of both instruments. An instrumental research design that consisted of two phases was used. In the first one, seven experts participated, who judged the questionnaires based on a scale developed for this purpose. The second phase consisted of a pilot study where information was collected from 110 teachers and 72 parents of Year 5 students in the Region of Murcia. The results showed that the instruments had content validity in terms of their pertinence, coherence, sufficiency, adequacy, relevance and clarity. Furthermore, both instruments revealed fairly high reliability and adequate construct validity. These questionnaires allowed for the diagnostic evaluation of a project that promotes grandparent-grandchild relationships in Primary Education classrooms.
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