Creation and Business: A Frequently Profitable Hybridation


  • Francesc Fontbona De Vallescar
Keywords: Creation, Business, Order, Hybrid, Education, Opera, Movies, Hollywood.


The artistic creation not always depends only on the genius of a creator. Very often, specially the most complex productions like the opera or the movies, have an indispensable character, the businessman, that becomes an essential factor of the very creation. It is the case of opera publishers- impresarios as the Ricordi or the Sonzogno, that appear in opera from Italy, or companies like Metro, Paramount, Fox, RKO, Warner, Columbia or Universal in the world of Hollywood Cinema. Very often in order to be successful in otherwise impossible productions, art and business, a hybrid a priori incompatible have been doomed to understand each other. As it is evident the requirements of the businessman can change certain approaches of the artist. On the other hand, he guaranties the market for the work of art, making it possible for the genre to reach self-financing and consequently allowing the productions to be repeated and not remain a single effort, provided the public, its final addressee, really likes the final product.


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How to Cite
Fontbona De Vallescar, F. (2008). Creation and Business: A Frequently Profitable Hybridation. Educatio Siglo XXI, 26, 51–66. Retrieved from