The challenge of oral expression in Primary Education: characteristics, difficulties and ways for improving
There have been numerous studies on communicative competence and the teaching of oral expression and interaction in the classroom. The linguistic skills inherent in oral expression are the most difficult to achieve in the learning of both the mother tongue and foreign languages. Therefore, it needs special attention and careful planning. The aim of the present work is to make a critical reflection upon the theoretical basis that differentiate the oral modality from the written modality and the difficulties that arise in teaching oral expression in the primary education classroom. In order to achieve this, we have looked at a series of theoretical bases for the development of oral expression, paying particular attention to the methodological difficulties of this skill, such as the complexity of its assessment, among other aspects. Similarly, we have defined a series of objectives for each educational stage, including pragmatic aspects. Activities and didactic procedures are described in order to highlight different strategies for the development of communicative competence, considering it to be one of the fundamental objectives of language learning.
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