Nutrition habits, physical activity and hours of sleep in school children: a diagnostic study in Primary Education
The present study has a diagnostic purpose in relation to the eating habits and lifestyle of a group of schoolchildren, once symptoms of potential imbalances have been detected by the teaching staff. Eating patterns (breakfast and school afternoon snack), physical activity and rest levels are studied in two third-year Primary Education classrooms in an Andalusian school. The study uses a quantitative methodology, based on a questionnaire administered to 46 students, obtaining 410 responses over two weeks. The results reveal that almost all students eat some food before going to school, although its nutritional composition is limited. Approximately seven out of ten students reported they were hungry while answering the questionnaire, one hour before the school break. As for the ingredients that make up the school snack, they include packaged juices and smoothies, cold cut sandwiches and cookies, with a marginal presence of fruit. The analysis of the physical activity dimension reveals that sedentary activities predominate slightly. While five out of ten students do not do physical activity in the afternoons, the majority spend considerable time watching television. Finally, the analysis of sleep hours shows that six out of ten students sleep an average of 9.2 hours, just within the minimum recommended range. Finally, intervention proposals are made within the framework of the community-led approach.
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