Creating and Adapting Materials to Share: An Experience with Future Teachers


  • María José Fuiza Asorey Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Silvia Sierra Martínez Universidad de Vigo
Keywords: Inclusive school, Service-Learning, teacher training, university teaching, adaptation of materials.


This article presents a study carried out during the academic year 2015-2016 at the University of Santiago de Compostela. It consists of the design and/or adaptation of inclusive stories in collaboration
with the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), following an action-research process which included the voluntary participation of 88 students from the Teacher Training Faculty. This process aims
at improving the students’ active engagement with educational and social inclusion as well as initiating them in Service-Learning. Firstly, we reflect on the learning and the process followed by university
students as they face the task of designing and adapting current stories, creating contexts of shared learning for children with blindness as well as residual and normal vision. Secondly, a voice is given to those teachers specialized in visual impairment who collaborate in the training of university students and follow up their work, not forgetting the children, who are the ultimate recipients. The results show that the involvement in the implemented pedagogical actions generates a greater development of professional and personal skills while, at the same time, synergies for comprehensive training are strengthened.


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How to Cite
Fuiza Asorey, M. J., & Sierra Martínez, S. (2017). Creating and Adapting Materials to Share: An Experience with Future Teachers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 35(3 Nov-Feb1), 153–174.