Environmental Dimensions and Products and Technology that Influence Participation and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities


  • Mónica Silveira Maia Politécnico do Porto
  • Pedro Nuno de Azevedo Lopes Dos Santos Universidade do Porto
  • María Manuela Pires Sanches Fernandes Ferr eira Politécnico do Porto
  • Silvia Regina GonÇalves Alves Politécnico do Porto
  • Ana Parada Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j/308921
Keywords: Educational participation, inclusion, additional support needs, environmental factors, products and technology, ICF-CY, IEP.


The aim of this study was to identify environmental conditions that influence the inclusion process of students with disabilities. To this end, the Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for 170 students with
additional support needs were analyzed. The sample represented all regions of continental Portugal. The IEP were subject to content analysis with the identification of meaning units and its deductive categorization within the taxonomies proposed by Whiteneck et al. (1997) – accessibility, availability, adaptability, social support and equity – and the ICF-CY (WHO, 2007) – products and technology, natural environment, support and relationships, attitudes, and services, systems and policies. The results suggested that social support (e.g., attitudes, supportive behaviors) and availability (e.g., services, resources, materials) and adaptability (e.g., adjustment of methods/tasks/materials) were the most referenced dimensions in the support provided to enhance students’ participation. In a congruent way, the most mentioned domains of the ICF-CY were support and relationships (i.e., physical and emotional
practical support) and products and technology, specifically educational methods/materials adapted or especially designed. Based on these results practical implications on different educational system levels were outlined.


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How to Cite
Silveira Maia, M., Nuno de Azevedo Lopes Dos Santos, P., Pires Sanches Fernandes Ferr eira, M. M., GonÇalves Alves, S. R., & Parada, A. (2017). Environmental Dimensions and Products and Technology that Influence Participation and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Educatio Siglo XXI, 35(3 Nov-Feb1), 105–128. https://doi.org/10.6018/j/308921