Digital textuality and multiliteracy. Digital contents as resource in education


  • Amando López Valero Universidad de Murcia
  • Isabel Jerez Martínez Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Digital materials, Education, Culture, Hypertext, Video Games.


The aim of this article concerns the relationship among education, culture, and digital materials. Through these lines we develop the concept of the hypertext, as a new reality to get access to knowledge. Although the concept got thorough attention in the past century, nowadays it is very important and crucial to understand new reading trends. There is a new way of reading which goes from sequences to free interaction with texts in the building of knowledge.
The new literacy related to multimedia technology that we have chosen is the video game. Its possibilities are multiple, allowing people to learn and appreciate values from an informal and formal (if we apply it to the classroom) perspective. Our selection is related to the products from the Ubisoft Company, specifically the Assassin´s creed video game, because this company is going beyond entertainment and it is giving complex plots with transtextuality and hypertexts to their productions. We suggest an educative use of these resources to demonstrate that readingtendencies are changing and people have to adapt to these processes and to the new demands from digital culture.


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How to Cite
López Valero, A., & Jerez Martínez, I. (2015). Digital textuality and multiliteracy. Digital contents as resource in education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 33(2 Julio), 165–182.