Actors or customers of images?


  • Gema Lasarte Leonet Universidad del País Vasco
  • Pilar Aristizabal Llorente Universidad del País Vasco
  • Ana Zuazagoitia Rey-Baltar Universidad del País Vasco
  • María Teresa Vizcarra Morales Universidad del País Vasco
Keywords: This paper explains the results observed and analyzed by the EPETEI multidisciplinary research group of the University of the Basque Country. This group investigates the images of the theater play for babies called Kubik, created and performed by The Para


This paper explains the results observed and analyzed by the EPETEI multidisciplinary research group of the University of the Basque Country. This group investigates the images of the theater play for babies called Kubik, created and performed by The Paradise Theater Company in different kindergartens of Vitoria. This qualitative research uses the software INVIVO 8 for processing data analysis, and concludes that this emerging media literacy instructs babies in visual education, and helps establish a critical distance between the real and the visual experiences of children.Therefore, this theater-visual experience prepares babies to enter actively and with no stress the era of the image, because they are always helped by their teachers.


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How to Cite
Lasarte Leonet, G., Aristizabal Llorente, P., Zuazagoitia Rey-Baltar, A., & Vizcarra Morales, M. T. (2014). Actors or customers of images?. Educatio Siglo XXI, 32(2 Julio), 287–304.