Critical thinking: Reflections about its place in Higher Education


  • Amanda R. Franco Universidad do Minho
  • Leandro S. Almeida Universidad do Minho
  • Carlos Saiz Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Critical thinking, Transferable skills, Higher education, Assessment.


In a sociocultural context defined by the fact that young adults will sooner or later be facing doubts, ambiguity, and fast changes, and in which it is necessary to be able to make sense of contradictory information, make hard decisions, and solve complex problems, critical thinking seems to reveal itself as something more than “gainsaying”. This is a cognitive resource that has gradually been receiving significant importance, considering the relationship between this transferable skill and variables such as academic performance, or success in daily life. To help clarify the concept of critical thinking, through the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment test
(Halpern, 2010), we present its definition; discuss its importance in academic learning,
everyday life, and job market; analyze data obtained by assessing a sample of graduate degree, master’s degree, and doctorate students. According to our data, students’ average grades vary according to the type of degree studied (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate), and the scientific field of study (social sciences, or science and technology). From these findings, we make some considerations about the place that critical thinking occupies - and the place it should occupy - in higher education.


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How to Cite
Franco, A. R., Almeida, L. S., & Saiz, C. (2014). Critical thinking: Reflections about its place in Higher Education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 32(2 Julio), 81–96.