Respect towards identity as a form of social inclusion: interculturality and social volunteering


  • Blanca Deusdad
Keywords: Identity, inclusion, social cohesion, reactive ethnicity, racism, intercultural education and volunteering.


The globalization process has brought about complex Postmodern societies, where social diversity become a difficulty, as a consequence of social rejection against some communities. This is the case of Moroccan people in Spain. The aim of this paper is to highlight some results and thoughts based on two researches on immigrant pupils, mainly in Spain. One of the investigations took place in Catalonia and a second one, which is a R+D project of the Spanish Ministry, its fieldwork was in Spain (Catalonia, Murcia, Madrid and Aragon) and in Ecuador.Due to the fact of high rates of drop out and unemployment among Moroccan pupils, as a result, partly, of the social and financial crisis, and with the building of a reactive identity among
Moroccan students, seems quite necessary a social intervention in the communities. The paper suggests the need of a volunteer work and an intercultural education from a social and ethic approach, in order to find ways that help to a social cohesion and building territorial ties.


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How to Cite
Deusdad, B. (2013). Respect towards identity as a form of social inclusion: interculturality and social volunteering. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(1), 89–104. Retrieved from