Using heritage in history education: Portuguese students and teachers’ perspectives concerning identity and historical conciousness


  • Helena Pinto
Keywords: Heritage, Identity, Historical Consciousness, Historical Evidence, History and Heritage Education.


This paper presents a study carried out within a PhD in History and Social Sciences Education, held at University of Minho (Portugal), aiming to deepening, in a systematic and essentially qualitative approach, the understanding of how students and teachers make sense of heritage sources, and also of concepts related to historical consciousness, such as identity and heritage. The reflection under the History and Social Sciences epistemological framework intended to contribute to the discussion on how Portuguese students – of 7th and 10th grades of Guimarães schools, northern Portugal – deal with historical evidence, and how their teachers
understand the use of heritage sources in teaching and learning history, given its relationship
with interpretation as a process of making sense of the past. The results of this study revealed possibilities of new educational approaches regarding the use of heritage as evidence in History Education, and contributing to the development of historical and heritage consciousness.


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How to Cite
Pinto, H. (2013). Using heritage in history education: Portuguese students and teachers’ perspectives concerning identity and historical conciousness. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(1), 61–88. Retrieved from