Observation and assessment of the communicative competence in the clasroom. A case study in art education


  • Miquel Alsina Tarres
  • Dolors Cañabate Ortiz
  • Joan de la Creu Godoy Tomás
Keywords: Subject teaching, action teaching, communication skills, observation instruments, primary education.


This article presents a review of the use of communication skills in the primary school classroom under the focus of teaching action. For this purpose, and in line with the new curriculum, this study offers a map of the communicative competence which goes beyond the usual approach— based only on parameters relating to oral and written expressions. To this end, competence assessment indicators are formulated and observation and analysis tools are designed. The method used for the implementation of the instrument is based on the recording and transcription of several sessions delivered by the same teacher in the area of art education. Taking the above-mentioned points as a starting point, our study develops a tool that proves useful for the analysis and assessment of the communicative competence from
an enlarged educational perspective. Among its applications, it is worth noting both its usefulness in the field of comparative teaching and its use in the assessment of professional competences in the work placements of teachers in training.




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Author Biographies

Miquel Alsina Tarres

Universidad de Girona

Dolors Cañabate Ortiz

Universidad de Girona

Joan de la Creu Godoy Tomás

Universidad de Girona
How to Cite
Alsina Tarres, M., Cañabate Ortiz, D., & Godoy Tomás, J. de la C. (2013). Observation and assessment of the communicative competence in the clasroom. A case study in art education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(1), 269–286. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/175171